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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

March 10, 2007

Awakened State Defined - Sunbathing, Anyone?

Roo: [Here it's necessary to include a comment from this text which has
been adapted from TUR's "As It Is", volume I, the chapter with the same name...starting on page 49]
"Here is nothing superior to meeting face-to-face with these three
kayas of this awakened state. Isn't this true? Seeing here is no
thought overcomes or expels any previous thought. As the sun shines,
here is no darkness. While seeing, it is impossible for any thought
to either linger or to be formed. The delusion is completely
dissolved. The awakened state is free of thought. But merely thinking,
"I want to be free of thought" is not the awakened state. It's just
another thought. The same goes for checking: "Is here a thought now,
or is this free of thought?" Isn't this just another thought as well?
It's necessary to rest totally unmixed with or unpolluted by thought.
This awakened state is free of thought, yet vividly awake. If we
train in this steadily and gradually, this becomes the fully awakened
state, buddhahood."

RAMON: Within the solar presence, here is total dissolving of all
delusion. Just imagine yourself lying on a sunny beach, totally
absorbed by the sunlight. Ah! Buddhahood!

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